04.09.2014 Crazy, sexy, Open Source!



!! This event is cancelled !!


Dear Opensourceonista and ApaChe Guevara,

Once upon a time we either had to wait several months to get permission to use Open Source software in our projects or silently use it anyway (famously know as U-Boot technique). Nowadays Open Source software should be a standard part of your development toolbox. .NET has always been behind in this area, but now Microsoft sees the value of and is constantly pushing more and more tools and library into the Open Source space. In joint venture between .NET Zentralschweiz and the developer group from Zurich we will be hosting a panel discussion about the Open Source ecosystem.

Everybody can bring their knowledge about Open Source libraries and tools to the table. We will start with some short elevator pitches of your favorite tools and libraries. If you want to make a pitch, get in touch with Daniel Marbach. Later we discuss the state of the Open Source community in .NET, what the future may bring, what it means to maintain a framework or library, techniques and tools used and much more for managing the life cycle of the project. You can even bring your ideas or pet projects and we will help you bootstrap the project if time is available.

What are you waiting for? Get involved! We invite anyone from the Open Source community but also people which are interested in Open Source to participate. The talk and the panel discussion will be held in English.


1. Introduction
2. Presentations, Discussions, Panel and fluent apero 😀


bbv Software Services AG, Blumenrain 10, Luzern, 1. Stock (Details siehe http://www.dotnet-zentral.ch/?page_id=98)


6 PM – 10:00 PM


  • #dotznt (Hashtag-Usergroup)


By using our xing group dotnet-zentral or our website under Anmeldung. Attention: Seats are limited!

Come and visit the next meeting of the .NET Usergroup Zentralschweiz. Urs Enzler and Daniel Marbach

About the author

By daniel.marbach