09.04.2015 Nancy, the super duper happy .NET OSS project with Adam Ralph


Dear RESTafarians

It is time to extend your knowledge outside the Microsoft MVC and WebAPI world. Start thinking outside the box with Adam Ralph showing us the dynamics of the web by leveraging the power of Nancy. The event takes place on Thursday the 9th April 2015.

We are still looking for interesting short presentations for our usergroup meetings. Short presentations are the ideal format to give away your insights about the latest tools and techniques you use in your daily job. It is also a very good platform to sharpen your presenter skills. Send us an email to urs dot enzler at dotnet-zentral.ch or daniel dot marbach at dotnet-zentral.ch. Take the chance: you can give it in German or English!


1. Introduction
2. Intro:  A sneak peak into an exciting new OSS project by Daniel Marbach
3. Main: Nancy, the super duper happy .NET OSS project with Adam Ralph
4. Knowledge Exchange/Apéro


bbv Software Services AG, Blumenrain 10, Luzern, 1. Stock
(Details siehe http://www.dotnet-zentral.ch/?page_id=98)


6 PM – 8:30/9:00 PM (After that apero)


  • #dotznt (Hashtag-Usergroup)
  • Intro: @danielmarbach
  • Main: @adamralph

Intro: A sneak peak into an exciting new OSS project

Come and see and more importantly don’t be late 😉

Intro: Speaker

I thin you know me 😉

Main: Nancy, the super duper happy .NET OSS project

Founded in 2010, Nancy has grown to become one of the most popular community driven .NET web frameworks. It offers a unified, lightweight, modular API with an elegant syntax inspired by Sinatra from Ruby. The Nancy community is one of the most active in .NET open source consisting of 8 core team members and over 200 contributors! With over 2,500 stargazers, Nancy is one of the top .NET projects on GitHub. Earlier this year a tremendous milestone was reached with the long awaited release of Nancy 1.0.

In this talk I’ll discuss the origins of the project and the journey it took during its evolution to 1.0. I’ll showcase some examples which demonstrate why the framework is so compelling and share some insights on future vision for the project, including current plans for 2.0

Main: Adam Ralph

As an application developer, I have a bias toward DDD, CQRS and event sourcing.

In the open source world I am a core member of scriptcs, FakeItEasy, xBehave.net, ConfigR and others. I’ve also contributed to Nancy, NuGet, JabbR, AutoFac and plenty more. In November 2014, I was proud to be the first community member to have a pull request accepted for the .NET core framework.

I have over 17 years experience in delivering commercial IT solutions.


By using our xing group dotnet-zentral or our meetup group. Attention: Seats are limited!

Come and visit the next meeting of the .NET Usergroup Zentralschweiz.

Urs Enzler and Daniel Marbach

About the author

By daniel.marbach