Datum - 20 Nov 2014
18:00 - 20:30
bbv Software Services AG
Dear members,
On the 18, 19 and 20 November, the Usergroups of Zurich, Bern and Lucerne (in this order) will host the Dennis Doomen Swiss Tour, where he will speak to us on his practical-real life experience on a large enterprise system for occasionally connected mobile elements, implemented with CQRS, Event Sourcing and unreliable connections. Here Dennis will show us how to face this challenge and emerge victoriously.
Come to see Dennis at Bern, Lucern or Zurich User Groups.
The Tour is sponsored by INETA Europe and the respective user groups.
More information at:
Zurich Devs: http://www.meetup.com/Zurich-Developers-NET-User-Group/events/213088262/
We are still looking for interesting short presentations for our usergroup meetings. Short presentations are the ideal format to give away your insights about the latest tools and techniques you use in your daily job. It is also a very good platform to sharpen your presenter skills. Send us an email to urs dot enzler at dotnet-zentral.ch or daniel dot marbach at dotnet-zentral.ch. Take the chance: you can give it in German or English!
1. Introduction
2. Intro: Einführung in Project Orleans
3. Main: Building occasionally connected applications using Event Sourcing
4. Knowledge Exchange/Apéro
bbv Software Services AG, Blumenrain 10, Luzern, 1. Stock
(Details siehe http://www.dotnet-zentral.ch/?page_id=98)
6 PM – 8:30/9:00 PM (After that apero)
- #dotznt (Hashtag-Usergroup)
- Intro: @danielmarbach
- Main: @ddoomen
Intro: Einführung in Project Orleans
Beim Project Orleans geht es nicht um die grösste Stadt im Bundesstaat Louisiana sondern um ein Microsoft Research Projekt, dass ermöglicht skalierbare Cloudservices zu entwickeln. Obwohl es ein Researchprojekt ist, werden wichtige Dienste von Halo 4 mittels Orleans betrieben. Ich zeuge euch kurz Orleans und das darunterliegende Actormodell.
Intro: Speaker
Daniel Marbach ist enthusiastischer Software Architekt bei bbv. Als Engineer, regelmässiger Sprecher und passionierter Blogschreiber ist er auf einer immerwährenden Reise mit Überzeugung und Engagement.
Main: Building occasionally connected applications using Event Sourcing
I’ve recently got the opportunity to work on a large enterprise-class system that needs to be deployed on multiple occasionally connected oil platforms and boats. Already the system’s architecture was based on the Command Query Separation principles; this gave us a completely new challenge. After several months of looking at alternatives, we decided to go the Event Sourcing direction. In this in-depth session, I’d like you to learn the many alternatives we observed, the pros and cons, and the technical details of our final solution in which we use EventStore 3.0 and elements of NCQRS and Lokad.CQRS to synchronize systems over unreliable connections in a very efficient way. And for those who are new to CQRS, don’t worry. I’ll will bring you up to speed on the different architecture styles.
Level: 400
Target audience: architects, medior and senior developers
Main: Dennis Doomen
I’m an experienced .NET architect with a broad interest in Application Lifecycle Management, SOA, OO and Design Patterns. I’m specialized in designing enterprise solutions based on the .NET technologies as well as providing coaching on all aspects of designing, building and maintaining enterprise systems. You’ll regularly find me at conferences and community events such as SDN, dotNED, Developer Days, TechED or PDC, either sharing my experiences in some session or in discussion with other community members. I’m also the author of the Fluent Assertions framework (www.fluentassertions.com), an assertion framework for fluently asserting the outcome of unit tests. And I’ve publishing coding guidelines for C# 3.0, C# 4.0 and C# 5.0 at www.csharpcodingguidelines.com.
By using our xing group dotnet-zentral or our website under Anmeldung. Attention: Seats are limited!
Come and visit the next meeting of the .NET Usergroup Zentralschweiz.
Urs Enzler and Daniel Marbach
Bookings are closed for this event.