Datum - 15 May 2014
18:00 - 20:30
bbv Software Services AG
Dear Opensourceista and ApaChe Guevara
This time we dive deeply into Open Source and why you should not only use Open Source tools and libraries but also get involed in building them. Join Adam Ralph’s talk about Open Source: Get Involved! After his talk we will be hosting a panel discussion about the Open Source ecosystem, what it means to maintain an Open Source library and much more. The panel discussion will be moderated by Urs Enzler. We invite anyone from the Open Source community but also people which are interested in Open Source to participate. Get Involved! The talk and the panel discussion will be held in English.
We are still looking for interesting short presentations for our usergroup meetings. Short presentations are the ideal format to give away your insights about the latest tools and techniques you use in your daily job. It is also a very good platform to sharpen your presenter skills. Send us an email to urs dot enzler at dotnet-zentral.ch or daniel dot marbach at dotnet-zentral.ch. Take the chance: you can give it in German or English!
1. Introduction
2. Main: Open Source: Get Involved! with Adam Ralph
3. Panel Discussion about Open Source moderated by Urs Enzler
4. Knowledge Exchange/Apéro
bbv Software Services AG, Blumenrain 10, Luzern, 1. Stock
(Details siehe http://www.dotnet-zentral.ch/?page_id=98)
6 PM – 8:30/9:00 PM (After that apero)
- #dotznt (Hashtag-Usergroup)
- Main: @adamralph
Main: Open Source: Get Involved!
Have you ever thought about getting involved in open source software (OSS)? Are you already involved? Or perhaps you wonder why anyone would bother?
In this talk we’ll discover what makes OSS tick, how it benefits us as developers and just how easy it is to get involved. As well as plenty of live coding (and perhaps a contribution or two) we’ll take a look at how and why I made my own journey from OSS onlooker to addict.
OSS is not just about coding and I’ll be demonstrating plenty of other ways to contribute, so even if you’re not a coder, this talk is still for you.
Main: Adam Ralph
As an application developer, I focus on DDD, CQRS, event sourcing and BDD.
In the open source world I am a core team member of scriptcs, FakeItEasy, xBehave.net,ConfigR and others. I’ve also contributed to Nancy, NuGet, JabbR, AutoFac and plenty more.
I have over 17 years experience in delivering commercial IT solutions.
By using our xing group dotnet-zentral or our website under Anmeldung. Attention: Seats are limited!
Come and visit the next meeting of the .NET Usergroup Zentralschweiz.
Urs Enzler and Daniel Marbach
Bookings are closed for this event.