TagOpen Source

04.09.2014 Crazy, sexy, Open Source!


  !! This event is cancelled !!   Dear Opensourceonista and ApaChe Guevara, Once upon a time we either had to wait several months to get permission to use Open Source software in our projects or silently use it anyway (famously know as U-Boot technique). Nowadays Open Source software should be a standard part of your development toolbox. .NET has always been behind in this area, but now...

15.05.2014 Open Source: Get Involved! with Adam Ralph


Dear Opensourceista and ApaChe Guevara This time we dive deeply into Open Source and why you should not only use Open Source tools and libraries but also get involed in building them. Join Adam Ralph’s talk about Open Source: Get Involved! After his talk we will be hosting a panel discussion about the Open Source ecosystem, what it means to maintain an Open Source library and much more. The...