Hi all,
.NET Core 3.0 and C# 8 is just around the corner. Join Daniel Marbach for a dive into async/await in .NET Core 3.0 and C# 8. And almost like a mini conference style we also have Jose talking about Blazor.
We are still looking for interesting short presentations for our usergroup meetings. Short presentations are the ideal format to give away your insights about the latest tools and techniques you use in your daily job. It is also a very good platform to sharpen your presenter skills. Send us an email to urs dot enzler at dotnet-zentral.ch or daniel dot marbach at dotnet-zentral.ch. Take the chance: you can give it in German or English!
1. Introduction
2. Cliff diving into async in .NET Core and C# 8 with Daniel Marbach
3. Look Ma, no JavaScript… It’s Blazor! with Jose Luis Latorre Millas
4. Knowledge Exchange/Apéro
bbv Software Services AG, Blumenrain 10, Luzern, 1. Stock
(Details siehe http://www.dotnet-zentral.ch/?page_id=98)
6:00 PM – 8:30/9:00 PM (After that apero)
- #dotznt (Hashtag-Usergroup)
- @danielmarbach
- @joslat
Cliff diving into async in .NET Core and C# 8
Cliff diving can be bafflingly complex and scary to watch. Mere mortals often stand there gaping and pointing. In this talk, we’ll jump like Cliff divers into Async in .NET Core 3.0 and C# 8 and learn why you can’t even recommend to your worst enemy to plunge headfirst into SyncOverAsync.
Armed with some best-practices we are ready to throw a triple backflip into the latest .NET Core 3.0 and C# 8 improvements for idiomatic async code. Ready? Let’s leap together, feet first!
Look Ma, no JavaScript… It’s Blazor!

On this session we will introduce Blazor, the new SPA (Single Page Application) web development framework from Microsoft and why it matters more than it seems. We will cover an Introduction to Webassembly (wasm), its roadmap, concepts of Blazor, some demo time and see why it is important and the changes that the wasm and Blazor project bring to us.
«WebAssembly, or wasm, is the most significant new technology to come to the web platform in a decade.”
Source – Mozilla (and many more..)
Come and visit the next meeting of the .NET Usergroup Zentralschweiz.