Hi folks,
We are looking forward to hosting another great event in joint venture with the Usergroup Bern. See you soon!
1,2,3 … testing : is this thing on(line)? Meet your new Microsoft Testing tools
Is your environment acting the way you intended it to be, as in do your users see what you wanted them to see?
Is your app breaking under stress or even worse going down when components are acting up (or down in this case)?
In the past people were using Azude Devops Load Testing and related. But we all know some of these services have been deprecated. In this session you will be guided though all the options you have today lining out all the testing capabilities you have in the Microsoft Coding Universe.
Let’s take a stroll through the various options for load, chaos and automated testing in all things Microsoft devops and Azure. In doing so you will get to learn which services to use to improve reliability, performance usability and resilience of the applications you are building.
Mike Martin
As a Microsoft Technical Evangelist, Mike is an Azure goto for ISV’s (independent software vendors). He’s been active in the IT industry for more than 20 years and has performed almost all types of job profiles, going from coaching and leading a team to architecting and systems design and training. Today he’s primarily into the Microsoft Cloud Platform and Application Lifecycle Management. He’s not a stranger to both dev and IT Pro topics, they even call him the perfect hybrid solution.
bbv Software Services AG
Blumenrain 10
6002 Luzern
Please RSVP on our Meetup Group
18:00 – 21:00
- #dotznt (Hashtag-Usergroup)